China: America's Third Largest and Fastest Growing (By Far) Export Market, 2000-2011

Mark Perry.

Some highlights from the U.S.-China Business Council's recently released report "U.S. Exports to China: 2000-2011":

1. China is now the third-largest U.S. export market, and U.S. exports to China continue to expand rapidly. As a buyer of U.S. goods, China ranks behind only Canada and Mexico—two immediate neighbors with whom the United States has a regional free-trade agreement (see top chart above).

2. Between 2000 and 2011, total U.S. exports to China rose 542 percent, from $16.2 billion to $103.9 billion. Total U.S. exports to the rest of the world increased only 80 percent during this period (see bottom chart above).

3. Top exports to China in 2011 included agricultural products ($14.7 billion), computers and electronics ($13.7 billion), chemicals ($13.6 billion), and transportation equipment, primarily aerospace and autos ($13.2 billion).

4. The nearly $88 billion increase in exports to China during 2000–11 exceeded the increase to every other market for U.S. goods and farm products, with the exception of Canada. U.S. exports to Canada rose $102 billion over the same period, while U.S. exports to Mexico rose $86 billion. Brazil was a distant fourth with just a $28 billion increase in purchases of US products.

5. Thirty states now count China as one of their top three export markets and 25 states exported more than $1 billion to China in 2010, with export categories reflecting a broad range of products. The list of top 15 state exporters to China in 2011 includes states not usually thought of as benefiting from trade with China: Michigan, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and South Carolina.

Related: Bloomberg Businessweek article "China's Surprising U.S. Buying Spree"

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