Assessment and Improvement of the Structural Performance of Buildings in Earthquake

Final with Corrigendum 2, currently under review and soon to be available (QM: 14 June 2012)
Final with Corrigendum 1 now available. (PDF, 5.25 MB)
This recent NZSEE publication marks a new milestone in the understanding and practical assessment of older buildings and their likely behaviour when subject to earthquake.
The recent revision of the Building Act requires Territorial Authorities to develop policies on earthquake prone buildings in their areas of jurisdiction, defined in Section 131 of the Building Act, 2004. The Department of Building and Housing issued a Policy Guidance document for Territorial Authorities in June 2005 and its Appendix 2 refers to the grading scheme that has been presented and explained in this latest NZSEE publication.
Although not required by the Act, the grading scheme nevertheless provides a simple way of determining the earthquake risk grade of buildings for Territorial Authorities. Further, through its use it is likely to raise awareness of the risk from earthquake more generally. This in turn will enable market forces to work in a manner that will reduce earthquake risks as owners of adversely affected buildings improve their buildings over time to ensure that they remain commercially attractive.

Incluyo el documento en mi recopilación sobre Estructuras.

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