Incluyo estos trabajos en mi recopilación sobre Estructuras.
Workshop presentations
Download all presentations (.zip 24.1MB)Thursday, 10 February 2011
- Welcome address
A. Pinto, European /commission, Joint Research Centre - The present and future of the Eurocodes
J.-A. Calgaro, CEN/TC250 Chairman - EC Project: Eurocodes Promotion Strategy
K. Moyes, British Standards Institute - Overview of Eurocode 8
E. Carvalho, GAPRES SA, Chairman TC250/SC8 - Ground conditions and seismic action
E. Carvalho, GAPRES SA, Chairman TC250/SC8 - Introduction to the RC building design example. Modelling and analysis of the design example. Safety verifications
P. Fajfar, University of Ljublijana - Specific rules for design and detailing of concrete buildings. Design for DCM and DCH. Illustration of elements design
M.N. Fardis, University of Patras - Local effects due to infills. Design and detailing of secondary seismic elements. Provisions for concrete diaphragms
M.N. Fardis, University of Patras
Friday, 11 February 2011
- Specific rules for design and detailing of steel buildings. Illustration of design
A. Plumier, University of Liege - Design of concrete foundation elements
A. Pecker, G�odynamique & Structure - Base isolation � overview of key concepts and illustration of design
Ph. Bisch, IOSIS, EGIS Group - Eurocode 8 Part 3. Assessment and retrofitting of buildings
P. Pinto, Univ. of Rome, La Sapienza
Additional material
- Workshop poster
- Workshop flyer
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