Three-Dimensional Static and Dynamic Analysis of Structures. 2002. Edward L. Wilson

A Physical Approach With Emphasis on Earthquake Engineering.
Edward L. Wilson.
Professor Emeritus of Structural Engineering.
University of California at Berkeley.

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Therefore, the major purpose of this book is to present the essential theoretical background so that the users of computer programs for structural analysis can understand the basic approximations used within the program, verify the results of all analyses and assume professional responsibility for the results. It is assumed that the reader has an understanding of statics, mechanics of solids, and elementary structural analysis. The level of knowledge expected is equal to that of an individual with an undergraduate degree in Civil or Mechanical Engineering. Elementary matrix and vector notations are defined in the Appendices and are used extensively. A background in tensor notation and complex variables is not required.

Más documentación sobre estructuras, cimentaciones y geotecnica.

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