
Enlaces: desigualdad, Ran, y emprendedores

Desigualdad y sus causas: "Moreover, the factors that explain higher household incomes among Americans are not fixed over a lifetime, and they are to some degree a matter of personal decisions, which means that people are not forced to remain in one income bracket for their whole lives. American households with higher than average incomes tend to be households where the members are well-educated, in their prime earning years (between the ages of 35 and 64), working full-time, and are in stable marriages. Households with lower than average incomes tend to be households where the members are less-educated, outside their prime earning years, unemployed or working only part-time, and they are likely to be unmarried".

Ran, de Akira Kurosawa, una obra maestra del cine: "Enjoying the benefits of having the biggest budget in Japanese cinematography up to that point, Kurosawa created an epic depiction of an aging, ailing warlord determined to abdicate and divide his power onto his three sons. Many have noted the similarities evident between the protagonist and the filmmaker himself, choosing to believe Ran was just as much a story about Kurosawa and his struggles as it was about the warlord. After all, despite the fact that they function in different areas of business and life, don’t both a national leader and a filmmaker offer their vision to the people that follow them, presenting it in a way that inevitably seeks the audience’ opinion, causes their reaction? Grappling with the themes of family, honor, pride and chaos, this nihilistic story enhanced by a delightfully unforgettable soundtrack by Toru Takemitsu, allegedly drawing inspiration from Gustav Mahler, is by all standards one of master Kurosawa’s best films in his resume".

"Respuesta: Toda mi vida pensando que hacer lo que me diera la gana me daría la felicidad y resulta que ha sido al contrario, cuando me he centrado en los hábitos y en cierta disciplina ha sido cuando he comenzado a conseguir mis metas. Creo que el orden es fundamental, y sé que suena a consejo de abuelo pero ahora sé que es el camino.

Pregunta: Como gran emprendedor, ¿qué 3 errores crees que son mortales a la hora de emprender?

Respuesta: El primero es pensar que te vas a forrar a la primera, yo me separé de un socio por eso, él pensaba que nos íbamos a forrar y se olvidó del resto.

El segundo es olvidarte de que los clientes son los que te pagan el sueldo, hoy en día la orientación al cliente no es una directriz, es una obligación.

Y la última es rodearte de buena gente. Yo me he separado 3 veces de socios, es muy difícil acertar, elegir un buen socio es casi tan difícil como acertar en el matrimonio. Yo he desarrollado un instinto, y por lo menos sé con quién no me tengo que asociar".