Temas 20.05.2013

Rector, Poverty, and Immigration. By Bryan Caplan.

Instead, Rector treats illegal immigrants as the moral inferiors of poor Americans. He wouldn't advocate exile for Americans who consume more in benefits than they pay in taxes. He wouldn't want to revoke poor Americans' citizenship, saving taxpayer money by denying the poor the right to legally work, drive, or fly. Why not? Because like almost everyone, Rector knows that these "solutions" are far worse than the problem. Welfare may be bad. But trying to curtail the welfare state by exiling people likely to collect welfare is monstrous. If this is clear for native-born Americans with all their advantages, it should be even clearer for immigrants whose only crime is selling their labor to willing employers without government permission.

"Wally" Toledo: guía para ser un rebelde en Cuba. Las razones de Willy. Por Raúl Rivero.

Para que el señor Toledo conozca toda Cuba y no el islote lujoso donde viven los funcionarios y los burócratas, los artistas callados o especialistas en desahogos políticos en los patios y las azoteas oscuras, tendría que saber que hay en las 200 prisiones del país un centenar de presos políticos que pasan hambre porque en el siniestro menú carcelario un huevo hervido es un manjar y se recibe casi con alegría un pedazo de pescado con espinas y moscas.

Venezuela’s ‘Cubanochavista’ electoral machine, by Roger Noriega.

The data were sorted to identify the hard-core Chavista base (about 5.2 million voters) and those whose loyalty depends on government handouts (about 2.7 million). The latter group is targeted by the Chavista mobilization team, which can tap the database to find out where each person lives, works, and votes. Working in collusion with the CNE, the Chavista machine also has identified about 3,400 of the country’s 13,000 polling stations where they concentrate their voter mobilization efforts. The CNE assigns well-trained members of the Miranda Front to serve, not as observers but as election officials, to run the voting process in these target centers.

No vacunar a los niños es de gilipollas.

Quien emprende aprende, por Carlos Rodríguez Braun.

Quien emprende aprende que el empresario no tiene que «devolver» nada a la sociedad. Sólo deben devolver los que han robado, y los empresarios no roban, es decir, no arrebatan los bienes de los demás mediante la coerción. Sin embargo, se extiende la idea de que los empresarios deben tener «responsabilidad social», un concepto vaporoso pero que destila la noción de obediencia al poder, un poder, claro está, al que nadie le pide «responsabilidad social», y mucho menos que «devuelva» los bienes ajenos de los que se apropia.

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