Lecturas 08.11.2012

The kindness of beasts, by Mark Rowlands.

During the year or so that their old lives overlapped with that of my son, I was alternately touched, shocked, amazed, and dumbfounded by the kindness and patience they exhibited towards him. They would follow him from room to room, everywhere he went in the house, and lie down next to him while he slept. Crawled on, dribbled on, kicked, elbowed and kneed: these occurrences were all treated with a resigned fatalism. The fingers in the eye they received on a daily basis would be shrugged off with an almost Zen-like calm. In many respects, they were better parents than me. If my son so much as squeaked during the night, I would instantly feel two cold noses pressed in my face: get up, you negligent father — your son needs you.

El mapa del paro en España, por Javier García y Abel Fernández.

La recesión continúa tiñendo de rojo un mapa del desempleo que empeora para la casi totalidad de las provincias españolas. El primer mapa muestra el desempleo a finales de 2011 (4º trimestre de la EPA), mientras el segundo mapa muestra la situación actual. Es decir, la evolución del desempleo durante los últimos tres trimestres de crisis. La situación ha empeorado para casi todas las provincias españolas (salvo algunas excepciones, como Burgos, Vizcaya, Baleares o Teruel), mientras el patrón norte-sur del desempleo en España se agudiza: todas las provincias de Andalucía, Extremadura y Canarias superan ya el 30% de desempleo.

Psicología de un currículum, por Andrés Alonso.

No nos extrañemos de que a veces los populistas, con pocas ideas que machacan de forma insistente, tengan una valoración superior que alguien con una sesuda carga de argumentos,…está inherente en nuestra forma de pensar.

11 Most Common Grammar Gaffes On Social Media, by Debra Donston-Miller.

I've been an editor for a long time, so it's been my job to correct mistakes in grammar, spelling, punctuation, usage, and syntax, among other things. It's not my place to correct friends and colleagues on social media, but I would like to offer up a list of the mistakes that I see most. I truly believe that respecting the language earns you respect in return.

The Paradox of Energy Efficiency. Why greener technology doesn’t translate into reduced energy consumption, by Ronald Bailey.

The upshot of all these studies is that energy efficiency mandates probably will fall far short of expectations for mitigating man-made global warming. “Instead of imposing energy efficiency mandates,” Michaels concludes, “energy policy should embrace market prices and disruptive innovations to guide energy to its most valuable uses.” After all, the point of improved energy efficiency is not to forgo the use of power but to boost its productivity as a way to provide people with more of the goods and services they want.

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